How would it feel to be free from anxiety?
What would your day look like if you could just rewire your anxious brain and make it be “normal” for once?!
Imagine being able to tell your brain how you wanted to feel… and for it to listen!

It’s estimated that nearly 1 in 3 people suffer from anxiety worldwide, so if this is you, you’re not alone. In fact, in my early 20s I was having panic attacks, until I learnt how to re-wire my anxious brain.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a natural survival response that is there to protect us.
However, this response developed when we were facing saber-toothed tigers, not the prospect of a passive aggressive email from a colleague or the dread of stumbling over our words in a meeting and never being able to live it down.
The subconscious mind is in battle with the conscious mind.
The former senses a threat and gets triggered. It sends a signal to the Amygdala and activates the Sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (SNS) - which puts you into fight or flight
How does anxiety feel?
Anxiety is often described as “fight or flight” - the body’s subconscious and automatic response from prehistoric times.
"Do I try to punch the tiger in the face, or do I run away as fast as I can?!"

But remember, in the 21st Century, we are getting this same powerful signal from the subconscious mind from things that don’t need that same level of response.
You know consciously that having to parallel park on the road doesn’t require sweaty palms and a racing heart… but your subconscious mind has other ideas!
Your conscious mind understands that flying is one of the safest forms of travel and people do it all the time so there’s nothing to feel anxious about… but your subconscious mind thinks feeling sick, nervous and on edge is a MUCH better response to keep you safe.
You consciously know that you have a job, you can pay the bills and all is well… but your subconscious mind loves to keep you up at night with a racing mind worrying about how you pay your mortgage and the bills!
Anxiety can feel like butterflies in your stomach, a racing heart, sweaty palms, thoughts spinning through your mind, feeling sick, a tight chest or a combination of all these factors.
Put bluntly, it feels pretty uncomfortable.
You might have social anxiety, healthy anxiety, sporting performance anxiety, separation anxiety, generalised anxiety or fears, phobias and specific anxieties like Agoraphobia and Emetophobia (fear of being sick)
Why do we get anxious?
Anxiety is there to promote action.
Our subconscious mind is creating the feelings of anxiety to get us to do something. Either run away, fight the problem or if we don’t know what to do. FREEZE.
Fight, flight or Freeze.

The problem is, our conscious and subconscious minds have different ideas about what needs action.
The subconscious mind thinks going to the supermarket on a busy Saturday needs the same responses as running away from a hungry bear!
Can we get rid of anxiety fast?
The short answer is yes!
There are amazing techniques now like BWRT (which stands for Brainworking Recursive Therapy/Technique) that can help you re-wire your anxious brain in as little as one session!
As a BWRT Master coach this is my go-to technique for my clients and I see massive transformations in their anxiety daily.
For my clients, getting rid of a fear of heights, flying or public speaking often takes just one session. It's that fast.
BWRT uses the power of your subconscious mind (we refer to it as your Reptilian complex) which starts the anxiety response. During the session, you choose what you want to replace the anxiety feelings with.
Reprogramming the subconscious mind with BWRT is the easiest and fastest way I have found to overcome anxiety.
To quote Terence Watts, the originator of BWRT:
“If uncomfortable symptoms were like water flowing from a hose, older therapies seek to make the stream less powerful, BWRT simply turns off the tap.”
If you want to turn off the tap, contact me to discuss how BWRT can help you.
Email: or use the contact form below
You can also listen to my podcast all about why BWRT is the solution you've been looking for!
3 steps to re-wire your anxious brain today
Here is a quick process you can use today to start to reprogram your subconscious mind for calm and relaxation
Start by finding a quiet space where you can safely close your eyes. Take a deep breath in through your nose, pause and exhale slowly through your mouth - repeat 3-5 times
Think of a nice feeling or memory of how you’d like to feel. Maybe a happy holiday memory, or an everyday memory where you feel relaxed. Focus on this for 1-2 minutes
Shrug your shoulders (tensing your muscles for 3 seconds) and then drop and completely relax them for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
These simple steps help to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and put you into a process called “rest and digest” rather than fight or flight.
You are reprogramming your subconscious mind for calm. Telling it everything is ok and no action needs to be taken.
Need more help with BWRT?
Book a free consultation call to discuss how BWRT can help you remove your anxiety.

Use the Contact form below
BWRT coaching is available worldwide with online sessions daytimes, evenings and weekends to suit you.
Find out more about how it could help you or someone you love.